Terms & Conditions

Best Buy’s Terms and Conditions

As we mentioned previously, terms and conditions are a proactive measure to help your ecommerce business avoid legal disputes. However, if one does occur, it’s important you have a clear dispute resolution clause in place to resolve conflicts quickly.


Tips for Having a Good Ecommerce Terms and Conditions

Here are a few of our tips for writing a good ecommerce terms and conditions agreement.

Make your Ecommerce Terms and Conditions Easy to Read

If you decide to write the terms and conditions for your online store yourself, make sure it’s easy to read.


To Prevent Users From Abusing Your Services

A Terms and Conditions agreement is where you set guidelines for how users should behave and what happens if they don’t follow your rules, which might have to do with things like:

  • Payments
  • Returns
  • Abusive behavior and language when dealing with customer service
  • Attempting to infect your website with malware
  • Posting defamatory content in the comments section of blog posts

Through the inclusion of specific clauses, your Terms and Conditions agreement will let users know your rules and requirements, and actions you’ll take if they’re broken.

When you create a website, it is vital to know who owns the content on that site. You are more than likely the owner of anything and everything visible on your website (except for user-generated content). A Terms and Conditions agreement is where you lay your claim